The story unfolds during the war with the ancient inhabitants of Latium. Nisos and Euryalos were sent by Aeneas to go and find help. Aeneas gave the order that, when the enemies attacked them, they had to hide. A goddess named Juno warned Turn, the leader of the enemies, that Aeneas had left his companions. Then Turn decided to attack them, while Nisos and Euryalos hid.
The enemy soldiers were so convinced of their victory that they even fell asleep after getting drunk. Nisos and Euryalos decided to go into the enemy camp to kill as many soldiers as they could. Amidst the sleeping enemy bodies, they enjoyed themselves as they finished off their unsuspecting enemies until the reinforcement soldiers arrived.
Nisos and Euryalos began to run into the forest looking for a way to preserve life. In the midst of the chaos, Euryalos got lost and was captured by the soldiers, who began to surround him. When Nisos realizes that his beloved Euryalos is missing and surrounded by enemies, he starts running towards him to protect him. From the darkness he manages to shoot an arrow with his bow.
Even so, the enemies corner Euryalos and threaten him with death. Afterwards, Nisos comes to the light to defend his companion, but it is too late, since his beloved has been killed by Volscent (an enemy general). Imbued with fury Nisos rushes towards the enemies killing Volscent. With great effort he reaches where the corpse of his lover lies and embraces it under a cloud of enemy swords.
Explained by R. Aragón
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